Friday, November 20, 2015

Fall Fun

Tonight I get to have another fun fall shoot, my good friend Andrea, her beautiful girls, and perfect weather couldn't ask for a better set up.  Can't wait!

Saturday, November 14, 2015


I am so lucky and excited to be part of tonight's celebration between 2 amazing people. KD & Cindy are a fun and vibrant couple and I'm overjoyed they chose me to capture this evenings celebration of their engagement. Congrats to both of you and to many happy years together; Cheers!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Fall Session Today

So excited to work with a great family today the Galloways. We are going to have some fun out at Lake Wichita this afternoon with their pooches, three entertaining great danes. Can't wait to see what fun we can get in to.

Friday, August 28, 2015

The leaves are changing

The weather is beginning to change and fall will be here before we know it. Message me if interested in a fall session!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

So over the past year and a half since graduation, I have definitely been through a whirlwind. All of 2014 was spent planning a beautiful beach wedding in what is my favorite place, the outerbanks of NC. There is something so relaxing about the sand dunes and crashing ocean sounds that I knew we had to be married here. We had some struggles getting there but in the end the wedding was amazing, the food from Currituck BBQ was so good (I will never forget that crab mac and cheese), friends and family from all over the country came to celebrate and as time passes the hiccups are becoming just fleeting memories.

This year has been very difficult, not for Steve and I we are great; but things haven't exactly gone as planned. We ended up buying a house we both fell in love with a couple months earlier than planned so getting the other house ready for sale was more difficult than we had planned. We also fell in to another property that we are repairing and trying to sell as well. So in an instant we went from 1 mortgage to 3, needless to say its been a challenge for sure.

Then on top of all of it, we have lost our poor Waylon a beagle of 9 years old that has been struggling with health issues the past few years. He was like a child to us so describing the loss is almost impossible and we are trying to cope while helping our other dog Goliath through the loss as well.

Needless to say since graduation in January of 2014, I haven't been as active in my photography as I would have liked.  I hope to change that throughout the rest of this year and I will be working to update my blog more regularly as well as my website with print options available as well.

So, here's to finishing 2015 better than it has started.